We take all complaints seriously and will make the necessary steps to investigate said complaints. Complaints may take several weeks to complete depending on the complexity of the complaint.
We take all complaints seriously and will make the necessary steps to investigate said complaints. Complaints may take several weeks to complete depending on the complexity of the complaint.
Please note that RAC cannot take action for individuals who are not Registered Canadian Reflexology Therapists.
The Reflexology Association of Canada
is a federally chartered non-profit organization
founded in 1976 with members across
Canada and internationally.
Our Office:
165B Garry St. Winnipeg, MB, R3C 1G7
Our Email:
Our Phone:
(204) 477 4909 | 1-877-RAC-FEET
Office Hours:
Mon to Fri | 8:30 am - 4:30 pm CST