refresh august

A new season of opportunities for RCRT™s – REFRESH Magazine

Dear Readers,

We hope you all enjoyed your summer! It is a new season, and with that comes new opportunities especially for reflexology therapists here in Canada. The Reflexology Association of Canada (RAC) has been preparing for this. Keeping reading to see some of our news.

RAC is pleased to introduce their new Scope of Practice to help reflexology therapists understand what they do versus how they do it.

If you have not already heard, check out the details of RAC’s new partnership with the Canadian Federation of Independent Business (CFIB). This is a fabulous opportunity for RCRT™s to get even more support for their reflexology businesses from bilingual business advisors that operate from coast to coast.

In this issue can also be found RAC’s new perspective on contraindications.

We have more exciting announcements and opportunities coming up. Please stay tuned, stay engaged, and stay in touch!

Happy reading!
Team RAC

Team RAC





ines reflexology canada


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Hayley Dow


Robyn M Dawson

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