Call for potential RCRT™ Examiners – 2024
As of January 1st, 2019 all certified reflexology therapists wishing to become Professional Members of RAC need to take and succeed an RCRT™ Exam. The purpose of this exam is to ensure that all Professional Members of RAC meet the entry-level competencies required of a Registered Canadian Reflexology Therapist. The exam has both a written and practical component and is administered by RCRT™ Examiners.
An RCRT™ Examiners must:
✅ Be Professional Members in good standing.
✅ Carry Professional Malpractice and Liability insurance.
✅ Have current certification in Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) and First Aid.
✅ Not have a criminal record, any pending criminal charges and not appear on any Child Abuse Registry (CAR).
✅ Understand the importance of this exam.
✅ Be able to administer the exam in a professional manner and with a compassionate attitude.
✅ Be able to offer candidates a professional environment in which to take the exam (including the choice of zero-gravity chair or massage table).
✅ Must have a supporting technical environment (i.e. regular access to the internet & email; Dropbox; videoconferencing ability)
✅ Be able to administer exams on, at least, a monthly basis. (The written component is 1-1/2 hours long and may be done in a group setting. The practical component is one-on-one and is 1-1/2 hours long.)
The steps to becoming an RCRT™ Examiner:
🟢 Stage 1. Send the following to examiners@reflexologycanada.org :
1. a letter of intent,
2. a resume,
3. a list of RAC and/or reflexology activities and involvement,
4. a photograph of the area(s) in which the theoretical and practical components of the exam will be administered.
🟢 Stage 2. Review RCRT™ Examiner guidelines and submit signed agreements by. (Guidelines and agreements will be sent to applicants passing Stage 1.)
🟢 Stage 3. Be present for the training. (This will be approximately 6 hours via video conference at the end of the summer. Details will be made available to candidates passing Stage 2.)
🟢 Stage 4. Sign the RCRT™ Examiner contract. (This will be offered to candidates passing Stage 3.)
🟢 Stage 5. Begin administering the RCRT™ Exam to potential RAC Professional Members in your area. (Available to candidates passing Stage 4.)
Applicants not completing a stage will not be considered for the next stage. RCRT™ Examiners will be remunerated for all exams administered.
Professional Members of RAC meeting all of the above requirements are encouraged to participate in Stage 1 of becoming an RCRT™ Examiner.
The application and training processes are free of charge. The manner in which applications are submitted will be taken into consideration.