The Reflexology Association of Canada’s (RAC) reputation is one of its most precious assets and protecting that standing in the Reflexology community is of fundamental importance. Therefore, it is the policy of RAC to ensure that its Members act in the highest, ethical, professional and legal standards and with a high degree of diligence, care and skill in their practice as stated in the RAC Code of Conduct and Ethics. Failure to comply will be taken seriously and may result in disciplinary action as deemed necessary by the Reflexology Association of Canada.
Code of Conduct and Ethics
Code of Conduct and Ethics
Code of Conduct
Reflexology Therapists Shall:
With Respect to Competent Professional Practice:
- Maintain good hygiene practices, and maintain hygienic premises, facilities, equipment and supplies that conform to professional health standards.
- Not employ any device, which physically violates the structural integrity of the skin or penetrates the body’s orifices, unless trained and qualified to do so.
- Maintain accurate and up-to-date records of dates of sessions given to each client, and complete financial records as required by law.
- Represent accurately their education, training, competence and experience relevant to their professional practice.
- Refer to other qualified health care practitioners when services required are outside the Reflexology Therapists scope of practice.
- Make no disparaging remarks concerning the practices, abilities or competence of other Reflexology Therapist’s or practitioners in other health disciplines.
- Not make a verbal or written statement that is fraudulent or false in a material respect, or omit to disclose any material, fact and hereby engage in unethical conduct
- Not engage in sexual or other harassment or exploitation of clients, students, trainees, employees or colleagues.
- Not disclose, treat for specific health conditions, prescribe or claim to cure.
- Not refuse treatment to anyone on the basis of race, religion, national origin, age, gender, disability or sexual orientation, providing the reason for the refusal is explained in an ethical and professional manner.
With Respect to Confidentiality:
- Respect confidential information obtained in the course of professional practice except where disclosure is required by law as well as follow the Personal Health Information Act and The Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act.
- Obtain written or verbal consent from a client before videotaping, audio recording or permitting a third party observation.
With Respect to Financial Arrangements:
- Disclose fees prior to commencement of services and give reasonable notice of a change in fees.
- Represent facts truthfully to clients and third-party payers regarding terms and conditions and services rendered.
- Not submit any fraudulent, deceitful or misleading bill for services rendered or to be rendered.
Code of Ethics
Reflexology Therapists Shall:
With Respect to Self:
- Endeavour to enjoy physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well being.
- Maintain professional competence by continual study and development throughout his/her professional life.
With Respect to the Profession:
- Actively support the profession through membership and active participation in organizations which promote the practice of reflexology
- Work within communities to develop an understanding and acceptance of reflexology, as a valuable health practice and service.
- Respect all ethical health care practitioners and their practices, and assist them in their understanding and appreciation of reflexology and its benefits.
- Work amicably and co-operatively with other health care practitioners to actively promote health and natural healing.
- Acknowledge, without prejudice or discrimination of clients or colleagues, the inherent worth and individuality of each and every person and living being.
- Conduct themselves and aspects of their professional practice in such a manner as to elevate the esteem of the profession.
With Respect To Clients:
- Provide services with compassion, respect, honesty and integrity.
- Hold the health, safety, welfare and comfort of the client as a priority.
- Have open communication with the client in order to promote an honest client-therapist relationship.
- Encourage clients to make their own health care choices and decisions.
- Respect the opinions, beliefs, customs and values of others and not impose their own morals or beliefs on others.
- Respect the confidential nature of all information within their professional practice except where disclosure is required by law.
- Present financial terms and agreements that are clear and understandable, and conform to accepted professional practices.
- Accept accountability to society and conduct ourselves in a manner that fosters and promotes high ethical standards.
- Does not delegate the care of a client to another Reflexology Therapist or untrained person who is not experienced or qualified to provide the necessary service.