Ethics and Disciplinary Procedures

Becoming a Registered Canadian Reflexology Therapist (RCRTTM) means that you adhere to the Reflexology Association of Canada’s Scope of Practice, Standards of Practice and Code of Conduct and Ethics, both of which are available for reference on the RAC website.

These standards and codes are in place to ensure excellence in the profession of reflexology as well as to protect the public. Indeed, they are a form of quality control – necessary when dealing with insurance firms and other official bodies.

As reflexology therapists deal with the public, from time to time, complaints may arise. The Reflexology Association of Canada has put in place ethical and disciplinary procedures to assist both the Association and therapists in navigating such complaints and to protect the public and the profession should unprofessional conduct be found.

Please download the most current Ethics and Disciplinary Policy to familiarize yourself with the procedures.

What is Unprofessional Conduct?

Unprofessional Conduct” means any or all of the following:

  1. Working outside of the Association’s Scope of Practice while presenting the session or work as reflexology;
  2. Breaching any item outlined in the Association’s Code of Conduct and Ethics or Standards of Practice;
  3. Breaching a local, provincial, or federal law or by-law that applies to the reflexology profession;
  4. Misusing a designation or membership status provided by the RAC either by not being qualified to use the designation or membership status, or not following the obligations associated with the use of that designation or membership status;
  5. Failure or refusal:
      • – To comply with a notice to attend or to produce;
      • – To comply with a request of or to cooperate with the designated investigator in the timeline specified; or
      • – To comply with the decision(s) in the timeline set by the Committee.


~Part I, Definitions, Ethics and Disciplinary Procedures, Reflexology Association of Canada, 2023