Get involved!

How can you get involved with RAC?

There are many ways to get involved with RAC
and help shape the future of Reflexology in Canada.
Join the New Ethics Committee

MOCKUP- Join the New Ethics Committee(555 x 380 px)

The RAC Ethics Committee is responsible for reviewing complaints and determine whether unprofessional conduct has been found as per the RAC Ethics and Disciplinary Procedures.

Join RAC’s Professional Competencies Working Group

RAC has a list of competencies that it deems necessary for entry to the professional practice of reflexology. This group review and recommends, if necessary, updates to the professional competencies for the RCRT™ exam.

MOCKUP- Professional Competencies Working Group(555 x 380 px)
Become an RCRT™ Examiner (877 x 200 px)

RCRT™ Examiners are responsible for administering the RCRT™ Exam for all individuals seeking to become professional members of RAC and obtain their RCRT™ designation.

Join RAC’s Annual Mandatory Activity Working Group

MOCKUP- Join RAC’s Annual Mandatory Activity Working Group555 x 380 px)

RAC’s professional members must successfully complete an annual continued competency activity to remain in good standing and keep their RCRT™ designation. If you are interested in participating in a working group that helps prepare this activity, please apply below.

Join RAC’s Awards Working Group

RAC awards are distributed to reflexology therapists in Canada and around the world regardless of their membership with RAC or any other organization.

MOCKUP- award

This is your Association!

We are stronger when we’re all working together to achieve more! 

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact RAC Head Office at
204-477-4909 or

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