Reflexology Research

Reflexology Research

Reflexology and Science – Here are some of the research that has been conducted by other academics and researchers and compiled by RAC.

General Reflexology Research

General Reflexology Research

Date Published
Name of Study
2024 October A benchmark for the quality of reflexology intervention reporting using the template for intervention description and replication (TIDieR) checklist: A systematic review European Journal of Integrative Medicine Many studies did not adequately report the reflexology intervention, which inhibits implementation (and discontinuation), replication, and research synthesis. This systematic review has identified the specific areas of the intervention which are not being documented with sufficient detail in order to highlight areas requiring improvement and produce a benchmark against which the quality of the intervention reporting can be measured in future studies.
2022 December 20 Foot Reflexology: Recent Research Trends and Prospects Healthcare (Basel, Switzerland) This study reviewed the research trends and prospects of foot reflexology in the past 31 years. The top three journals with the most articles are Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice, Therapies in Medicine, and the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine. The top three most prolific authors are Wyatt, Sikorskii, and Victorson, and the core institutions in the field of foot reflexology are Michigan State University, Northwestern University, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, and the University of Exeter
2022 September 13 The Effects of Foot Reflexology on Vital Signs: A Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials Evidence-based complementary and alternative medicine Study found that foot reflexology exerted positive effects on vital signs, such as reducing blood pressure, heart rate and respiratory rate, and increased pulse oxygen saturation.
2022 March 18 ‘Reflexology: Exploring the mechanism of action’ Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice A deeper understanding of the mechanism of action for reflexology may help to further develop research into safety and efficacy.
2017 December 3 Perspectives on reflexology: A qualitative approach Journal of Traditional and Complementary Medicine Found that reflexology treatment has been accepted as one of the ways to maintain general health.
2016 November Exploring the body through reflexology: Physical behaviors observed during application Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice Study found that during reflexology the body experiences different effects, such as eye movements and spontaneous movements.
2016 What Does the Research Say about Reflexology? University of Minnesota
2014 May 5 The Physiological and Biochemical Outcomes Associated with a Reflexology Treatment: A Systematic Review Evid Based Complement Alternative Medicine It is still unclear from this review precisely how reflexology impacts physiological and biochemical parameters. Further research is needed.
2001 Legal Status of Traditional Medicine and Complementary/Alternative Medicine: A Worldwide Review World Health Organization
2000 September A blinded investigation into the accuracy of reflexology charts Complementary Therapies in Medicine Reflexology techniques do not seem to be a valid method of diagnosis.
1999 March 23 Alternative and complementary medicine in Canadian medical schools: a survey Canadian Medical Association In 1998, only two medical schools in Canada offered some instruction in/on reflexology.
Reflexology and Anxiety

Reflexology and Anxiety

Date Published
Name of Study
2023 Aug 15 Integrative Oncology Care of Symptoms of Anxiety and Depression in Adults With Cancer: Society for Integrative Oncology-ASCO Guideline Journal of clinical oncology : official journal of the American Society of Clinical Oncology, Recommendations were made for  reflexology, for treating symptoms of anxiety during active treatment and after cancer treatment.

For depression symptoms, reflexology were recommended during treatment.

2021 June 17 The effects of reflexology on anxiety, depression and quality of life in patients with gynecological cancers with reference to Watson’s theory of human caring Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice These results showed that reflexology based on Watson’s theory of human caring is effective in reduction of anxiety and depression and improves the quality of life in gynecological cancer patients during chemotherapy.
2020 December 17 Effect of foot reflexology on chest pain and anxiety in patients with acute myocardial infarction: A double blind randomized clinical trial Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice Foot reflexology was effective in attenuating chest pain, had the most effect in 20 min after intervention.
 2020 September 15 Effect of Foot Reflexology Intervention on Depression, Anxiety, and Sleep Quality in Adults: A Meta-Analysis and Metaregression of Randomized Controlled Trials Evidence Based Complementary Alternative Medicine Foot reflexology may provide additional nonpharmacotherapy intervention for adults suffering from depression, anxiety, or sleep disturbance.
2020 July 12 Randomized controlled trial of the foot reflexology on pain and anxiety severity during dressing change in burn patients Burns: Journal of the International Society of Burn Injuries  Foot reflexology is an appropriate and safe intervention for management of pain and anxiety of burn patients.
2015 July 26 The impact of hand reflexology on pain, anxiety and satisfaction during minimally invasive surgery under local anaesthetic: a randomised controlled trial. International Journal of Nursing Studies Intra-operative hand reflexology is a useful adjunct to local anaesthetic varicose vein surgery.
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Reflexology and Cancer

Date Published
Name of Study
2024 Dec 19 Effects of acupuncture and foot reflexology on sleep quality in patients with acute lymphoblastic leukemia: A clinical trial Explore (New York) Acupuncture and foot reflexology are suggested as simple and budget-friendly complementary methods that may improve sleep quality for those with leukemia. These therapies provide non-invasive methods to address sleep disturbances and improve overall well-being in leukemia patients.

The study recommends foot reflexology as a preferred intervention for managing depression in these patients if conditions and facilities permit.

2024 Aug 17 Comparing the effects of warm footbath and foot reflexology on depression of patients undergoing radiotherapy: A randomized clinical trial Technical innovations & patient support in radiation oncology This clinical trial found that foot reflexology  is effective in alleviating depression in patients undergoing radiotherapy, with foot reflexology showing a greater impact on improving depression levels compared to just a foot bath.

The study recommends foot reflexology as a preferred intervention for managing depression in these patients if conditions and facilities permit.

 2024 July 2 Effects of Reflexology on Anorexia and Sleep Quality in Patients Undergoing Chemotherapy: A Randomized Clinical Trial Iranian journal of nursing and midwifery research Clinical trial found positive effects on sleep quality and the reduction of anorexia symptoms, it is recommended to incorporate this therapeutic modality along with conventional medication for the treatment of individuals with cancer.
2024 March 19 Comparing the impact of acupressure and reflexology on fatigue in chronic lymphocytic leukemia patients: A randomized controlled trial with three arms European journal of oncology nursing Acupressure and reflexology are recommended as cost-effective and low risk complementary approaches for managing fatigue in chronic lymphocytic leukemia patients. These therapies offer promise in alleviating fatigue and enhancing the quality of life for cancer patients.


2023 Aug 15 Integrative Oncology Care of Symptoms of Anxiety and Depression in Adults With Cancer: Society for Integrative Oncology-ASCO Guideline Journal of clinical oncology : official journal of the American Society of Clinical Oncology, Recommendations were made for  reflexology, for treating symptoms of anxiety during active treatment and after cancer treatment.

For depression symptoms, reflexology were recommended during treatment.

2023 Jan-Dec Comparing the Effects of Warm Footbath and Foot Reflexology on the Fatigue of Patients Undergoing Radiotherapy: A Randomized Clinical Trial Integrative cancer therapies Foot reflexology was more effective in reducing the fatigue of patients undergoing radiotherapy than warm footbath.
2022 November 17 The effectiveness of reflexology on mental health in cancer patients: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials Complementary therapies in clinical practice An unequivocal recommendation supporting reflexology cannot be made. Greater utilization of well-established reporting guidelines.
2022 September 19 Integrative Medicine for Pain Management in Oncology: Society for Integrative Oncology–ASCO Guideline Journal of Clinical Oncology American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) and the Society for Integrative Oncology (SIO) published new guidelines on Sept. 19, 2022, on complementary therapies used as a complement or addition to conventional breast cancer treatments

As per their guidelines: Physicians can recommend reflexology for general cancer pain or musculoskeletal pain.

2022 May 24 Determining the Effect of Reflexology on Nausea, Vomiting and Anxiety in Patients with Breast Cancer Receiving Chemotherapy: A Randomized Controlled Study Complementary Medicine Research The research showed that reflexology was helpful in reducing anxiety in patients with breast cancer receiving chemotherapy.
2022 January Acupuncture and Reflexology for Patients Undergoing Chemotherapy: A Cohort Study Integrative cancer therapies The results indicate that acupuncture and reflexology administered alongside chemotherapy may reduce patient reported symptom burden and patient global symptom related distress.
2021 November 5 The Effect of Foot Reflexology on Chemotherapy-Induced Nausea and Vomiting in Patients With Digestive or Lung Cancer: Randomized Controlled Trial JMIR Cancer Study’s results indicated that foot reflexology provides significantly better management of acute nausea severity and decreased consumption of antiemetic drugs in patients with lung or digestive cancer.
2021 October 1 Foot Reflexology: An Intervention for Pain and Nausea Among Inpatients With Cancer Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing Results show that foot reflexology significantly decreases pain for inpatients with cancer as compared to traditional nursing care alone.
2021 October Reflexology and meditative practices for symptom management among people with cancer: Results from a sequential multiple assignment randomized trial Res Nurs Health Study found that lower severity of M.D. Anderson Symptom Inventory symptoms at week 8 for the patients who received  reflexology only
2021 February 1 Nonpharmacological Interventions for Managing Breathlessness in Patients With Advanced Cancer: A Systematic Review JAMA Oncology Guidelines and clinical practice for adults with advanced cancer should evolve to incorporate nonpharmacological interventions, such as reflexology, as first-line treatment for adults with advanced cancer and breathlessness.
2019 December 30 Effect of Foot Reflexology Massage on Pain and Need for Opioid in Breast Cancer Patients Undergoing Mastectomy after Radiotherapy: A Randomized Clinical Trial. Iranian Quarterly Journal
of Breast Disease
Foot reflexology massage reduced the severity of pain and the need for opioids in women who are candidates for mastectomy following radiation therapy.
2019 November/December Caregiver-Delivered Foot Reflexology: Effects on Patients and Caregivers. Holistic Nursing Practice Pain, anxiety, and fatigue levels significantly decreased for the patients who received foot reflexology.
2019 October The effect of foot reflexology on fatigue, pain, and sleep quality in lymphoma patients: A clinical trial. European Journal of Oncology Nursing Results showed that reflexology could reduce fatigue and pain and improve the quality of sleep in patients with lymphoma.
2019 August 23 Effects of aroma self-foot reflexology on peripheral neuropathy, peripheral skin temperature, anxiety, and depression in gynaecologic cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy: A randomised controlled trial. European Journal of Oncology Nursing An aroma self-foot reflexology intervention can reduce CIPN, anxiety, and depression in gynaecologic cancer patient.
2018 December 13 Effects of Reflexology and Progressive Muscle Relaxation on Pain, Fatigue, and Quality of Life during Chemotherapy in Gynecologic Cancer Patients. Pain Management Nursing Reflexology and progressive muscle relaxation exercises given to gynecologic cancer patients during chemotherapy were found to decrease pain and fatigue and increase quality of life.
 2018 February Reflexology in the management of chemotherapy induced peripheral neuropathy: A pilot randomized controlled trial European Journal of Oncology Nursing Reflexology is an effective method in the management of patients’ sensory functions related Chemotherapy-Induced Peripheral Neuropathy (CIPN).
 2017 July – September The Effect of Reflexology on Chemotherapy-induced Nausea, Vomiting, and Fatigue in Breast Cancer Patients Asia-Pacific Journal of Oncology Nursing Reflexology decreased the experience, development, distress of nausea, vomiting, and retching as well as fatigue in the experimental group of breast cancer patients.
 2012 November Reflexology Trial with Patients with Advanced-Stage Breast Cancer Oncology Nursing Forum Reflexology can be recommended for safety and usefulness in relieving dyspnea and enhancing functional status among women with advanced-stage breast cancer.
 2010 January 1 Alterations in the Th1/Th2 balance in breast cancer patients using reflexology and scalp massage Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine Conflicting results as to the effect of reflexology on patients with breast cancer. More research is needed
2008 March / April Effects of reflexotherapy on acute postoperative pain and anxiety among patients with digestive cancer Cancer Nursing Patients who received 20 mins of reflexotherapy following surgery for gastric cancer reported less pain and anxiety.
2007 January Partner-delivered reflexology: effects on cancer pain and anxiety Oncology Nursing Forum Reflexology done on patients with metastatic cancer pain in the hospital resulted in an immediate decrease in pain intensity and anxiety;
2006 February 17 Use of reflexology foot massage to reduce anxiety in hospitalized cancer patients in chemotherapy treatment: methodology and outcomes Journal of Nursing Management Reflexology foot massage can be considered a support treatment used in combination with traditional medical treatments and executed by an expert, qualified person to help cancer patients receiving chemotherapy feel better and also cope better with their disease.
2005 February The effects of foot reflexology on nausea, vomiting and fatigue of breast cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy Taehan Kanho Hakhoe Chi Foot reflexology was found to be effective on nausea, vomiting and fatigue in breast cancer patients receiving chemotherapy in this study.
2000 June Foot massage. A nursing intervention to modify the distressing symptoms of pain and nausea in patients hospitalized with cancer Cancer Nursing The use of foot massage as a complementary method is recommended as a relatively simple nursing intervention for patients experiencing nausea or pain related to the cancer experience.
2000 April Does reflexology impact on cancer patients’ quality of life? Nursing Standard This study showed that reflexology does have an impact on the quality of life of patients in the palliative stage of cancer.
2000 January/February The Effects of Foot Reflexology on Anxiety and Pain in Patients with Breast and Lung Cancer Oncology Nursing Forum The significant decrease in anxiety observed in this
sample of patients with breast and lung cancer following foot

Reflexology and Children

Date Published
Name of Study
2024 August 26 Impact of Foot Reflexology Versus Simple Massage on Vital Signs, Anxiety, and Pain During Blood Transfusion Among Children With Thalassemia Cureus Foot reflexology was more effective in reducing anxiety and pain than simple massage. Additionally, foot reflexology had a significant effect on systolic and diastolic blood pressure, while simple massage significantly affected temperature in children with thalassemia.
2024 March 16 Effect of foot reflexology on an infant with sensorineural hearing loss: A case report World journal of clinical cases Study concluded that foot reflexology should be encouraged in clinical practice and for families of infants with sensorineural hearing loss.
2024 January 4 The effect of listening to music and foot reflexology on nausea, pain and anxiety in children during perioperative period: A randomized controlled study Journal of pediatric nursing Study published found that listening to music and reflexology during the perioperative period (period from ward admission, anesthesia, surgery, and recovery) were effective in reducing anxiety, pain and nausea in children undergoing outpatient surgery.
2023 July Effect of Foot Reflexology and Benson Relaxation on Pain, Breastfeeding and Weight of Neonates of Women Undergoing a Cesarean Section  Archives of Iranian medicine Randomized clinical trial found that Both the reflexology and the Benson relaxation methods effectively decreased pain and increased breastfeeding frequency and the infant’s weight gain.
2022 December 5 A Randomized Comparative Effectiveness Study of Reflexology, Sucrose, and Other Treatments for Needle Procedures in Newborns Pediatric neurology The study found that for infants being followed up in the neonatal intensive care unit and maternity ward reflexology has significant positive effects, especially on average heartbeat, reducing pain, and shortening crying times during heel blood sampling.
2021 December 30 The effects of foot reflexology on pain and physiological indicators in children with leukemia under chemotherapy: a clinical trial study Reports of practical oncology and radiotherapy : journal of Greatpoland Cancer Center in Poznan and Polish Society of Radiation Oncology The results showed that foot reflexology had a significant effect on reducing pain and improving physiological indicators such as blood pressure and heart rate in children with leukemia.
2021 October 29 Comparison of the Effect of Foot and Palm Reflexology Massage on Respiratory Distress Syndrome in Premature Infants under Noninvasive Ventilation Complementary Medicine Research Reflexology especially palm (hand) reflexology, contributed to the mitigation of respiratory distress in preterm infants subjected to noninvasive ventilation.
2021 May  10 Is Foot Reflexology Effective in Reducing Colic Symptoms in Infants: A Randomized Placebo-Controlled Trial Complementary Therapies in Medicine Foot reflexology is a non-invasive and safe nursing intervention that is effective for reducing crying duration and symptoms in infants with colic.
2020 December A pilot study of parents’ experiences of reflexology treatment for infants with colic in Finland. Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences Reflexology helped reduce the suffering of all the babies with infant colic. The colic symptoms disappeared on 43% of infants and decreased on the remaining 57%.
2019 August Comparing the effects of auricular seed acupressure and foot reflexology on neonatal abstinence syndrome: A modified double blind clinical trial Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice Both foot reflexology and auricular seed acupressure has significant effects on abstinence symptoms.
2019 July 26 Evaluation of efficacy and feasibility of foot reflexology in children experiencing chronic or persistent pain. Bulletin du Cancer Foot reflexology significantly reduce pain and anxiety in children suffering from persistent or chronic pain.
2018 April 20 Effect of Reflexology on Infantile Colic Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine The Infant Colic Score (ICS) of the study group was significantly lower than that of control group at the end of the intervention
2018 February The effects of reflexology on constipation and motor functions in children with cerebral palsy Pediatrics & Neonatology Adding reflexology to therapy had a positive effect on children with cerebral palsy who experience constipation problem
Chronic Pain

Reflexology and Chronic Pain

Date Published
Name of Study
2016 September/October The effect of reflexology on pain perception aspects in nurses with chronic low back pain in Isfahan Iranian Journal of Nursing and Midwifery Research Reflexology has the ability to reduce the intensity score and cognitive aspects of pain.
2012 March/April Reflexology on chronic low back pain Iranian Journal of Nursing and Midwifery Research Reflexology can be effective in reducing the severity of chronic back pain, i.e. it is able to reduce pain from moderate to mild.
2010 August Effects of reflexology on fibromyalgia symptoms: a multiple case study Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice Reflexology affected the symptom of pain in multiple areas such as head, neck and arms. Pain started to isolate and decrease. Reflexology may be helpful to decrease fibromyalgia symptoms.

Reflexology and Constipation

Date Published
Name of Study
2024 December 24 The Effect of Reflexology Socks in the Management of Opioid-Induced Constipation: A Randomized Controlled Trial
Cancer nursing This study concluded that reflexology socks were an effective approach to the management of constipation.
2023 August 25 Improving Quality of Life in The Constipated Older Person: Reflexology or Abdominal Massage? A Two-Group, Randomized Comparative Trial
Gastroenterology nursing : the official journal of the Society of Gastroenterology Nurses and Associates This comparative trial found that both reflexology and abdominal massage were similar in improving constipation and quality of life in older persons.
2020  August Foot reflexology in the management of functional constipation: A systematic review and meta-analysis Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice Foot reflexology is an effective complementary therapy for treating functional constipation. However, because of the small number of studies and their small sample sizes, additional controlled trials with long-term follow-up are needed for further investigation.

Reflexology and Diabetes

Date Published
Name of Study
2022 November 5 Effect of Foot Reflexology on Muscle Electrical Activity, Pressure, Plantar Distribution, and Body Sway in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: A Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial  International journal of environmental research and public health Foot reflexology influenced some variables of the study.
2022 August 15 The Effectiveness of Reflexology Massage to The Reduction of Blood Sugar Level of Elderly with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Journal of Ners and Midwifery Before the reflexology treatment, 86% had
blood sugar levels higher than 126mg/dl, and after the treatment, the respondent’s blood sugar levels were 55% in the normal category and 30% in the pre-diabetic.
2021 July 4 Effect of reflexology on ankle brachial index, diabetic peripheral neuropathy, and glycemic control in older adults with diabetes: A randomized controlled trial Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice Foot reflexology can be a useful for improving the glycemic control and diabetic peripheral neuropathy in the older adults with diabetes.
2018 September The Efficacy of Foot Reflexology on the Reduction of Peripheral Diabetic Neuropathic Pain Journal of Nursing and Health Science This study strengthened that reflexology therapy in combination with pharmacological therapy is recommended in reducing the diabetic patients’ peripheral neuropathic pain.
2018 September Effect of Foot Reflexology on Capillary Blood Glucose, Tissue Temperature, and Plantar Pressure of Individuals With Diabetes Mellitus (Type 2): A Pilot Study Journal of Chiropractic Medicine There were no significant differences between the groups for producing effects on capillary blood glucose, feet tissue temperature, and plantar pressure.
2015 July/ August Foot reflexology in feet impairment of people with type 2 diabetes mellitus: randomized trial Revista Latino-Americana de Enfermagem Participants who received the therapy showed better scores in some impairment indicators related to skin and hair (hair growth, elasticity/turgor, hydration, perspiration, texture and integrity of the skin/ skin peeling).
2014 January 9 Determination of Efficacy of Reflexology in Managing Patients with Diabetic Neuropathy: A Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine Study indicates the high efficacy of reflexology therapy as an adjunctive therapy to conventional medicines in managing diabetic neuropathy.

Reflexology and the Elderly

Date Published
Name of Study
2022 March Improving Sleep Quality in Older Adults: Foot Reflexology or Warm Footbath? A Single-Blind, 6-Week Intervention, Two Group, Randomized Comparative Study Journal of gerontological nursing According to current findings, both foot reflexology and warm foot baths improved sleep quality in older adults.
2020 May Effect of Reflexology on the Constipation Status of Elderly People Yonago Acta Medica Foot reflexology was found to be effective in relieving the constipation of elderly people.
2015 November 1 Comparing the Effects of Reflexology and Footbath on Sleep Quality in the Elderly: A Controlled Clinical Trial Iranian Red Crescent Medical Journal Those in the experimental group showed significant improvement in their sleep quality index after reflexology.
2010 November 29 The Effects of Reflexology in Reducing the Symptoms of Fatigue in People with Rheumatoid Arthritis The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine
2008 April 9 The Clinical Efficacy of Reflexology in Nursing Home Residents with Dementia The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine This study provides preliminary support for the efficacy of reflexology as a treatment of stress in nursing home residents with mild-to-moderate stage dementia.

Reflexology and Heart Health

Date Published
Name of Study
2024 Oct 31 Foot Reflexology for Pain and Anxiety Associated with Chest Tube Removal in Patients After Coronary Artery Bypass Graft: A Randomized Controlled Trial Alternative therapies in health and medicine Foot reflexology significantly reduced the increase in pain and anxiety during chest tube removal in patients with coronary artery bypass graft surgery.
2024 Sep 4 The Effect of Foot Reflexology on Fatigue, Sleep Quality, Physiological Indices, and Electrocardiogram Changes in Patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction: A Randomized Clinical Trial. Iranian journal of nursing and midwifery research Given the effectiveness of foot reflexology in different aspects of AMI patients, the implementation of this intervention is recommended for these patients in coronary care units.
2023 Nov 24 Effect of hand reflexology in ameliorating anxiety, pain, and fatigue among patients undergoing coronary angiography BMC complementary medicine and therapies The current study findings showed that hand reflexology is a simple, non-invasive nursing intervention that is effective and useful for managing pain, fatigue, and anxiety in patients undergoing coronary angiography.
2023 July Comparison of the Impacts of Benson Relaxation Technique and Foot Reflexology Massage on Sleep Quality of Patients with Systolic Heart Failure: A Randomized Clinical Trial Iranian journal of nursing and midwifery research This clinical trial study found that reflexology  improved the quality of sleep in patients with systolic heart failure.
2022 September 30 Comparing the influence of foot reflexology and fasting mimicking diet on quality of life and sleep quality in obesity hypoventilation syndrome Journal of complementary & integrative medicine Reflexology and a fasting-mimicking diet were found to have a substantial impact on enhancing the quality of life and sleep in people with obesity hypoventilation syndrome.
2021 February Effect of foot reflexology on chest pain and anxiety in patients with acute myocardial infarction: A double blind randomized clinical trial Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice Foot reflexology was effective in attenuating chest pain, had the most effect in 20 min after intervention, and can be used to relieve chest pain in patients with acute myocardial infarction.
15 November 2020 The effects of foot reflexology on blood pressure and heart rate: A randomized clinical trial in stage‐2 hypertensive patients The Journal of Clinical Hypertension Foot reflexology was effective in reducing heart rate in stage‐2 hypertension patients and was partially effective in reducing blood pressure.
2019 May 3 Reflexology as an adjunctive nursing intervention for management of nausea in hemodialysis patients: A randomized clinical trial. Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice The results showed that reflexology had a positive effect on reducing the severity of nausea in hemodialysis patients.
2018 February 13 Effect of hand and foot surface stroke massage on anxiety and vital signs in patients with acute coronary syndrome: A randomized clinical trial Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice Hand and foot massage can be a useful nursing intervention in attenuating anxiety levels and improving the vital signs in patients.
2012 June 12 Double blind randomised controlled study of the acute (immediate) cardiovascular effects of reflexology in healthy volunteers and cardiac patients BMC Complementary Medicine and Therapies Findings suggest that reflexology massage applied to the upper part of the left foot in the area thought to relate to the ‘heart’ may have a modest specific effect on the cardiac index of healthy volunteers.
Reflexology and HIV

Reflexology and HIV

Date Published
Name of Study
17 June 2024 The Effect of Reflexology on Immunological Parameters of People Living with HIV
Integrative Medicine Reports HIV infection leads to severe depletion of CD4 T cells in the gut-associated lymphoid tissue with subsequent reduced levels of circulating CD4 lymphocytes in the peripheral blood. Those who received reflexology had statistically significantly increased CD4 levels and decreased CD8 levels after the intervention. Reflexology showed a positive impact on the immunological parameters of PLWH.
_Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Reflexology and Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

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Name of Study
2002 January A single-blind trial of reflexology for irritable bowel syndrome British Journal of General Practice Further research is needed to determine the effects of reflexology on patients with irritable bowel syndrome.
Kidney Disease

Reflexology and Kidney Disease

Date Published
Name of Study
2024 September 16 Effect of foot reflexology massage on sleep, anxiety and quality of life in hemodialysis patients: A single-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trial Explore

This study has found that foot reflexology is effective in reducing anxiety levels, improving sleep, and enhancing the quality of life in patients undergoing hemodialysis treatment.

Additionally, the state anxiety level was found to be lower in the reflexology group compared to the placebo group.

2023 October 26 The effect of foot reflexology on fatigue in hemodialysis patients: a meta-analysis study Revista latino-americana de enfermagem

This meta-analysis study analyzed the effect of foot reflexology on fatigue in hemodialysis patients by combining the results of independent studies on this subject. It was concluded that foot reflexology can be used to reduce fatigue in hemodialysis patients.

2021 October 21 Effect of Foot Reflexology on Sexual Function of Patients under Hemodialysis: A Randomized Parallel Controlled Clinical Trial Evidenced-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine

Foot reflexology, as an effective intervention treatment, can reduce some aspects of sexual dysfunction of male patients under hemodialysis.

2021 May 5 A nonrandomised pilot study to examine the feasibility and acceptability of reflexology in patients undergoing hospital-based haemodialysis (solitude study) Journal of Renal Care

The intervention of reflexology showed statistically significant improvements in patients’ health-related quality of life and sleep quality.

2021 February 27 The effect of foot reflexology massage on pruritus in hemodialysis patients
Journal of Education and Health Promotion

Study demonstrated that foot reflexology massage significantly reduced itching or pruritus in hemodialysis patients

2020 August 1 Effect of Foot Reflexology on Pain, Fatigue, and Quality of Sleep after Kidney Transplantation Surgery: A Parallel Randomized Controlled Trial Evidence Based Complement Alternative Medicine

Foot reflexology may reduce pain and fatigue and improve sleep quality of patients after kidney transplantation.

2019 May 3 Reflexology as an adjunctive nursing intervention for management of nausea in hemodialysis patients: A randomized clinical trial. Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice The results showed that reflexology had a positive effect on reducing the severity of nausea in hemodialysis patients.
2004 October Effectiveness of foot reflexology on cramp in hemodialysis patients Hong Kong Journal of Nephrology Reflexology reduced cramp incidences during hemodialysis and at interdialytic period.
It also helped to relieve cramp during demodialysis.

Reflexology and Menstruation

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Name of Study
2021 December 1 Effect of Foot Reflexology Protocol on Premenstrual Syndrome Symptoms in Nursing Students: a Pre-Post Pilot Study
International Journal of Therapeutic Massage &  Bodywork Foot reflexology showed promising results in reducing premenstrual syndrome symptoms.
2016 October Do foot reflexology and relaxation training decrease premenstrual symptoms in adolescent females International Journal of Physiotherapy Adding foot reflexology to relaxation training had a great positive effect on premenstrual syndrome in adolescent females than relaxation training only.
1993 December Randomized Controlled Study of Premenstrual Symptoms Treated With Ear, Hand, and Foot Reflexology Obstetrics & Gynecology These clinical findings support the use of ear, hand, and foot reflexology for the treatment of premenstrual symptoms.

Reflexology and Migraines (headaches)

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Name of Study
2020 November A pragmatic case series of clients living with medically diagnosed migraines self-referred to reflexology Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice The results indicate the potential for reflexology to relieve the symptoms of migraine.
2016 September Effect of applying reflexology massage on nitroglycerin-induced migraine-type headache: A placebo-controlled clinical trial. European Journal of Integrative Medicine Reflexology  can reduce the intensity of Nitroglycerin-induced headache
2000 A Study of the Effects of Reflexology on Migraine Headaches Dissertation Reflexology, does have a positive effect on the frequency, duration, and intensity of migraine headaches.
Multiple Sclerosis

Reflexology and Multiple Sclerosis (MS)

Date Published
Name of Study
2023 February 3 Systematic review and meta-analysis of reflexology for people with multiple sclerosis: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Medicine Reflexology therapy can be used as an effective intervention for the pain and fatigue of MS patients while improving the quality of life.
2018 July The Effects of Reflexology on Fatigue and Anxiety in Patients With Multiple Sclerosis Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine The study indicates that reflexology can be an effective method for reducing fatigue severity and anxiety in patients with multiple sclerosis.
2017 April 19 Reflexology and relaxation on the psychological symptoms in women with multiple sclerosis Journal of Education and Health Promotion The results showed that reflexology and relaxation in relieving anxiety, stress and depression are effective in women with multiple sclerosis.
2016 March A comparison of the effects of reflexology and relaxation on pain in women with multiple sclerosis Journal of Complementary and Integrative Medicine The results showed that both interventions are effective on relieving pain in women with multiple sclerosis; however, it appears that the effect of reflexology on pain reduction is greater than that of relaxation.
2009 October 13 Reflexology for the treatment of pain in people with multiple sclerosis: a double-blind randomised sham-controlled clinical trial Multiple sclerosis (Houndmills, Basingstoke, England) Reflexology offers clinically significant improvements for multiple sclerosis symptoms.
2003 August Reflexology treatment relieves symptoms of multiple sclerosis: a randomized controlled study Multiple sclerosis (Houndmills, Basingstoke, England) Specific reflexology treatment was of benefit in alleviating motor; sensory and urinary symptoms in multiple sclerosis patients.
Pain Management

Reflexology and Pain Management

Date Published
Name of Study
2024 July 24 The Effect of Foot Reflexology on Pain and Kinesiophobia in Patients Following Total Knee Arthroplasty: A Double-Blind Randomized Controlled Study


Orthopedic Nursing Study found that Foot reflexology can be applied as an effective and safe method to manage pain and kinesiophobia in total knee arthroplasty patients.
2024 June 18 The Effect of Foot Reflexology on Stress, Fatigue, and Low Back Pain in Intensive Care Unit Nurses: A Randomized Controlled Trial
Pain management nursing : official journal of the American Society of Pain Management Nurses, Foot reflexology appears to offer promise as an effective method for ICU nurses to reduce lower back pain and fatigue.
2022 Oct 27 A randomized controlled trial of reflexology effect after abdominal surgery on patient satisfaction, pain and vital signs
Explore Study emphasized the power of reflexology in effective surgical pain management and normalizing vital signs and increasing patient satisfaction.
2021 March 3 Effects of Reflexology on the Pain Intensity among Patients with Depression after Receiving Electroconvulsive Therapy: A Randomized Clinical Trial
The Journal of Caring Sciences The results of this study showed the positive effect of reflexology on reducing the intensity of pain in patients receiving ECT.
2018 June 8 Analgesic Effects of Reflexology in Patients Undergoing Surgical Procedures: A Randomized Controlled Trial The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine Adding reflexology to standard analgesic care is effective in reducing postoperative pain at rest and in motion, especially for patients experiencing moderate to severe pain.
2015 September 24 Evaluation of the Effect of Reflexology on Pain Control and Analgesic Consumption After Appendectomy The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine Reflexology is effective for reducing pain after appendectomy surgery.
2013 May Exploratory study on the efficacy of reflexology for pain threshold and tolerance using an ice-pain experiment and sham TENS control Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice Findings demonstrate that reflexology produces antinociceptive effects in a controlled experiment and suggest the possibility that reflexology may be useful on its own or as an adjunct to medication in the treatment of pain conditions in man.
Reflexology and Palliative Care

Reflexology and Palliative Care

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Name of Study
2023 Feb 28 The effects of foot reflexology on symptoms of discomfort in palliative care: a feasibility study


BMC complementary medicine and therapies This study confirms the feasibility of a Foot Reflexology session for patients hospitalized in a palliative care unit (PCU). It resulted in a slight improvement in sleep quality.

Reflexology and Pregnancy and/or Labour

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Name of Study
2023 July 19 The effects of reflexology on symptoms in pregnancy: A systematic review of randomized controlled trials
Heliyon Based on the review of available cstudies available, the researches have conlcuded that Reflexology is probably effective and safe for labor pain, duration of labor, and anxiety in pregnancy.
2022 February 25 Effectiveness of Breathing Exercises, Foot Reflexology and Massage (BRM) on Maternal and Newborn Outcomes Among Primigravidae in Saudi Arabia: A Randomized Controlled Trial International Journal of Women’s Health Foot reflexology done during the first stage of labor experienced significantly reduced labor pain, anxiety, and labor duration, and improved maternal outcomes.
2022 January 21 A randomized clinical trial on the effect of foot reflexology performed in the fourth stage of labor on uterine afterpain
BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth The results revealed that foot reflexology in the fourth stage of labor has positive effects on relief from uterine afterpain.
2021 March 1 Effect of Foot Reflexology on Reduction of Labour Pain Among Primigravida Mothers International Journal of Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork The findings showed that foot reflexology was effective in relief of labour pain, with a high degree of patient satisfaction in primigravida mothers.
2018 May Reflexology: A randomised controlled trial investigating the effects on beta-endorphin, cortisol and pregnancy related stress  Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice Reflexology during pregnancy may help reduce low back and/or pelvic girdle pain, and associated stress. However, antenatal reflexology is under researched and requires further investigation.
2018 February 23 The Effect of Foot Reflexology on the Anxiety Levels of Women in Labor The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine Foot reflexology was found to have a positive effect in lowering the total anxiety scores of the pregnant women.
2017 June 1 Effects of Counselling and Sole Reflexology on Fatigue in Pregnant Women: A Randomized Clinical Trial Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research Study showed that counselling and sole reflexology significantly decreased fatigue in pregnant women.
2011 July 1 The Effect of Reflexology on Pain Intensity and Duration of Labor on Primiparas Iranian Red Crescent Medical Journal Findings showed that reflexology can be useful to decrease the pain intensity as well as duration of labor.
Restless Leg Syndrome

Reflexology and Restless Leg Syndrome

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Name of Study
2022 June 1 Comparison of the Effect of Reflexology and Swedish Massage on Restless Legs Syndrome and Sleep Quality in Patients Undergoing Hemodialysis: a Randomized Clinical Trial International journal of therapeutic massage & bodywork Reflexology and Swedish massage, as complementary methods, can improve the restless leg syndrome and sleep quality of patients undergoing hemodialysis. However, foot reflexology massage had been more effective.
2016 May/June The effects of two methods of reflexology and stretching exercises on the severity of restless leg syndrome among hemodialysis patients Iranian Journal of Nursing and Midwifery Research Reflexology and stretching exercises can reduce the severity of restless leg syndrome.

Reflexology and Sinus related illnesses

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2022 August 6 Reflexology for acute rhinosinusitis – Results from a blinded, early-phase comparative trial Explore Over a 10 day study, reflexology was shown to reduce symptoms compatible with acute rhinosinusitis.

Reflexology and Sleep

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Name of Study
2021 May The Effect of Foot Reflexology Massage on Delirium and Sleep Quality Following Cardiac Surgery: A Randomized Clinical Trial Complementary Therapies in Medicine Foot reflexology was found to not be effective in reducing delirium and improving the sleep quality on patients undergoing cardiac surgery, however, the pain intensity decreased.
2021  April Can foot reflexology be a complementary therapy for sleep disturbances? Evidence appraisal through a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials Journal of Advanced Nursing Findings suggest that foot reflexology produced significant improvements in sleep disturbances.

Reflexology and Stress Management

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Name of Study
2017 December Effect of short-term hand reflexology on anxiety in patients before coronary angiography: A randomized placebo controlled trial European Journal of Integrative Medicine Hand reflexology alleviated anxiety without any adverse effects on patients before coronary angiography.
2017 September 13 Fasciatherapy and Reflexology compared to Hypnosis and Music Therapy in Daily Stress Management International Journal of Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork: Research, Education, & Practice Reflexology could be used as non-pharmacological and safe interventions in stress management

Reflexology and Women

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Name of Study
2025 February 4 The Effect of Foot Reflexology on the Sexual Function of Lactating Women: A Randomized Clinical Trial. Reviews on recent clinical trials Based on the results of this study, lactating women in the two groups did not have a desirable sexual function before the intervention. However, foot reflexology in the present study could effectively improve the sexual function of women in the reflexology group. Therefore, it is recommended to employ foot reflexology therapy in health centers to help lactating women restore their sexual function.
2024 Dec 6 The effect of foot reflexology on the volume and composition of breast milk in mothers of premature infants hospitalized in the neonatal intensive care unit: a randomized controlled trial BMC pediatrics In this single-center study, foot reflexology massage showed a trend towards increasing the volume of breast milk, total protein and calcium, although it was not statistically significant.
2024 Mar 1 Effect of Reflexology on Pain, Fatigue, Sleep Quality, and Lactation in Postpartum Primiparous Women After Cesarean Delivery: A Randomized Controlled Trial Journal of human lactation : official journal of International Lactation Consultant Association, Randomized controlled trial found that foot reflexology reduces postpartum symptoms and positively affects breastfeeding and can be used safely in postnatal care practices.
2023 July Effect of Foot Reflexology and Benson Relaxation on Pain, Breastfeeding and Weight of Neonates of Women Undergoing a Cesarean Section  Archives of Iranian medicine Randomized clinical trial found that Both the reflexology and the Benson relaxation methods effectively decreased pain and increased breastfeeding frequency and the infant’s weight gain.
2023 July 8 Effects of different physiotherapy modalities on insomnia and depression in perimenopausal, menopausal, and post-menopausal women: a systematic review BMC Women’s Health Reflexology showed an overall significant impact on decreasing insomnia and depression in menopausal women
2023 Mar-Apr Effect of Reflexology on Decreasing Postoperative Pain and Anxiety After Total Abdominal Hysterectomy Holistic nursing practice Study found reflexology to be effective in reducing anxiety and pain after a hysterectomy.
2022 September 20 The impact of foot massage given to postmenopausal women on anxiety, fatigue, and sleep: a randomized-controlled trial Menopause Study found that foot reflexology applied during menopause increases the average daily sleep duration (hours) and reduces women’s fatigue and anxiety levels.
2021 October 11 Aromatherapy Massage vs. Foot Reflexology on the Severity of Restless Legs Syndrome in Female Patients Undergoing Hemodialysis
Geriatrics (Basel, Switzerland) The study results found that aromatherapy massage reduced the RLS severity, but reflexology did not appear to cause any significant reduction in it.
2020 September 23 Effect of pre-cesarean foot reflexology massage on anxiety of primiparous women Journal of Complementary and Integrative Medicine The results of this study revealed the positive effect of reflexology massage on pre-cesarean anxiety.
2019 March 1 The effect of foot reflexology massage on the stress and neuropathic pain caused by chemotherapy in women with breast cancer Journal of Birjand University of Medical Sciences Foot reflexology massage as an effective intervention in safe and effective nursing can reduce the pain and stress of cancer patients.
2019 August 30 The Effect of Foot Reflexology on Hospital Anxiety and Depression in Female Older Adults: a Randomized Controlled Trial The International Journal of Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork: Research, Education, & Practice Foot reflexology massage is an efficient and safe intervention for alleviating psychological responses among female older adults suffering from acute coronary syndrome during hospitalization.
2018 September/October Investigating the Effect of Reflexology on the Breast Milk Volume of Preterm Infants’ Mothers. Iranian Journal of Nursing and Midwifery Research The results indicate that reflexology is effective on the volume of milk of mothers, and this low-cost and easy procedure can be used along with regular lactation training.
2018 February The effects of reflexology on anxiety and pain in patients after abdominal hysterectomy: A randomised controlled trial Complementary Therapies in Medicine Foot reflexology may serve as an effective nursing intervention to increase the well-being and decrease the pain of female patients after abdominal hysterectomy.
2009 September 9 A pilot study of the effectiveness of reflexology in treating idiopathic constipation in women Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice This study shows that in this sample reflexology has potential benefit for treating idiopathic constipation in women. Further randomised trials are required.
2006 February 28 Self-Foot Reflexology massage on Depression, Stress Responses and Immune Functions of Middle Aged Women Korean Society of Nursing Science Results suggest that a self-foot reflexology massage could be utilized as an effective nursing intervention to reduce depression and stress responses, and to strengthen immune systems in middle-aged women
2002 September Randomised controlled trial of reflexology for menopausal symptoms BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Foot reflexology was not shown to be more effective than non-specific foot massage in the treatment of psychological symptoms occurring during the menopause. Both contributed to a decrease in the severity of hot flushes and night sweats.