Seren Natural Fertility Award winning Reproflexology Reflexology for Fertility
I am absolutely delighted to have been asked to bring ReproflexologyTM training to Canada and thought you might like to know a little more of what it is and how it works before making a decision as to whether to join us.
ReproflexologyTM is a form of integrative medicine designed to support both men and women with reproductive conditions and/or fertility issues. Globally, there are now an estimated 1 in 6 couples who experience difficulties of some kind when trying to get pregnant, and sadly, this is getting worse rather than better. Male fertility, in particular has declined by a massive 50% over a 25 year period, and this decline in male fertility health is continuing.
I started teaching this course in 2007 after developing a range of evidenced based protocols designed to support every stage of the fertility journey for both men and women. I have been fortunate to work with many hundreds of clients who have allowed me to share their journeys and develop my skills. In 2011, I formed the Association of Reproductive Reflexologists, which allowed us to do a number of things:
- Continue to keep our skills up-to-date via organized lectures.
- Carry out a data collection to see how effective our work was.
- Develop collaborations with the medical professionals involved in client care.
- Support our practitioners when they meet complex cases.
- Promote our fully trained practitioners as the gold standard of Reproductive Reflexologists.
I am extremely pleased to say that we have achieved all of these things. We regularly have speakers from the medical professions at our lecture days, including Fertility Nurses, Professors of Reproductive Medicine, Andrologists and Embryologists. We attend the Fertility Shows in Manchester and London to promote our practitioners and network with other professionals.
Our data, among many other things, showed a 68% success rate across the board and a doubling of the success rates with IVF.
The course covers all that you need to know to help you to develop an integrative practice and to support male and female clients both pre-conceptually and through all forms of assisted conception.
Part 1 The Pre-Conceptual Care Program
Introduction to Reproflexology©
Information gathering – client questionnaire
Understanding the menstrual cycle
Lifecycle of a sperm cell
Ovulation – timing and anomalies
What affects our fertility – causes and diseases
Diagnostic tools – orthodox and complementary
Diet and Nutrition and its role
Endocrine and reproductive balancing
Chakra balancing
Tools and Techniques
Part 2 The Assisted Conception Program
Diagnostic Testing
Emotional Aspects to Consider
Intrauterine Insemination
In Vitro Fertilisation
Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection
Reflexology and its Role
When to Treat and when NOT to Treat
Schedule of Treatments
Tools and Techniques
In 2016 my book ‘Reflexology for Fertility’ was published by Watkins Books and amazingly has reached No 1 on the Amazon Best Seller list twice during this time.
In 2017, my work in the field of Reproductive Reflexology was recognised by the Federation of Holistic Therapists in the UK and I was presented with The Complementary Therapist of Year Award.
www.serennaturalfertility.co.uk or www.reproductievreflexologists.org
or Email laura.serentraining@gmail.com