This is a call for potential RCRT™ Examiners.
Dear RAC Professional Member,
As of January 1st, 2019 all certified reflexology therapists wishing to become Professional Members of RAC need to take and succeed an RCRT™ Exam. The purpose of this exam is to ensure that all Professional Members of RAC meet the entry-level competencies required of a Registered Canadian Reflexology Therapist. The exam has both a written and practical component and is administered by RCRT™ Examiners.
An RCRT™ Examiners must:
- Be Professional Members in good standing.
- Carry Professional Malpractice and Liability insurance.
- Have current certification in Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) and First Aid.
- Not have a criminal record, any pending criminal charges and not appear on any Child Abuse Registry (CAR).
- Understand the importance of this exam.
- Be able to administer the exam in a professional manner and with a compassionate attitude.
- Be able to offer candidates a professional environment in which to take the exam (including the choice of zero-gravity chair or massage table).
- Must have a supporting technical environment (i.e. regular access to the internet & email; Dropbox; videoconferencing ability)
- Be able to administer exams on, at least, a monthly basis. (The written component is 1-1/2 hours long and may be done in a group setting. The practical component is one-on-one and is 1-1/2 hours long.)
The steps to becoming an RCRT™ Examiner:
Stage 1. Send the following to teachers@reflexologycanada.org by June 23, 2019:
- a letter of intent,
- a resume,
- a list of RAC and/or reflexology activities and involvement,
- a photograph of the area(s) in which the theoretical and practical components of the exam will be administered.
Stage 2. Review RCRT™ Examiner guidelines and submit signed agreements by July 19, 2019. (Guidelines and agreements will be sent to applicants passing Stage 1.)
Stage 3. Be present for the training. (This will be approximately 6 hours via video conference at the end of the summer. Details will be made available to candidates passing Stage 2.)
Stage 4. Sign the RCRT™ Examiner contract by the end of September. (This will be offered to candidates passing Stage 3.)
Stage 5. October 1, 2019 – Begin administering the RCRT™ Exam to potential RAC Professional Members in your area. (Available to candidates passing Stage 4.)
Professional Members of RAC meeting all of the above requirements are encouraged to participate in Stage 1 of becoming an RCRT™ Examiner.
The application and training processes are free of charge. The manner in which applications are submitted will be taken into consideration.
Applicants not completing a stage will not be considered for the next stage. RCRT™ Examiners will be remunerated for all exams administered.