Check out upcoming NS Chapter's events!

We are the link to

Reflexology Excellence in Nova Scotia

The RAC Nova Scotia Chapter was formed in 2016 to provide a strong regional voice for reflexology therapists in Atlantic Canada.

The Chapter exists to promote networking and continuing educational opportunities for its members throughout the province as well as advance the understanding and knowledge of Reflexology in Nova Scotia.

The Chapter operates under the umbrella of the Reflexology Association of Canada.

Reflexology Association of Saskatchewan

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What is Reflexology

Reflexology is the study of reflexes

Reflexology therapies are natural therapeutic
methods derived from this study based on the
principle that there are reflexes in the body that
map to other parts, glands, and organs of the body.
Through the application of pressure on these reflexes,
reflexology therapy can relieve tension, improve
circulation and support the body’s efforts to
function optimally.

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Reflexology session icon

Reflexology Session

What happens in a session

If you have never received a session, it will
begin with a brief health history and an
explanation on how Reflexology works and what
happens during a session. You will then be
placed in a relaxing and comfortable position
on either on a zero-gravity chair or a massage
table. You will never be asked to undress
for Reflexology!

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insurance reflexology canada

Insurance coverage in Nova Scotia

Is Reflexology Covered by Insurance?

Yes, reflexology is covered by a number of
insurance companies in Nova Scotia. Clients
must check their individual insurance plans or
their employers’ plan to determine if reflexology is
covered in their plan. If reflexology is not included,
clients can request to have it added to their coverage
or ask their employer to include it in their group
health insurance.

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Find your

Registered Canadian Reflexology Therapist (RCRT™) in Nova Scotia

A Registered Canadian Reflexology Therapist (RCRT™) is a professional reflexology therapist who has been properly trained in the techniques of reflexology and/or specialized protocols.

Use our convenient search tool to help you find an RCRT™ near you. Search by name, location, service offered, etc.

Please Note: Only RCRT™ s who have given permission to list their names and information are available on this online directory. All listed RCRT™s carry professional liability and malpractice insurance and are in good standing with the Reflexology Association of Canada (RAC).

Use of RACs membership directory for promotional or commercial purposes is prohibited. Any unauthorized use may result in legal action and/or other consequences.

By accessing this service, you hereby accept and agree to be bound by the above provisions.

If you are an insurance firm and/or you need to verify a therapist and you do not find their information below, please contact us at

Why join the Nova Scotia Chapter?

Chapter membership is automatically included for all membership categories of the Reflexology Association of Canada. In addition to all the membership benefits through RAC, by getting involved with the NS Chapter, you will receive:

A listing on the chapter website to help promote your business (if you’re an RCRTTM)

Permission to use the RCRT™ logo (in French and English!) on all your advertising materials (if you’re an RCRT™);

Invitations to participate in all chapter seminars, workshops, and other activities to improve your skills

Continuing education opportunities

Quarterly newsletter

A voice at the Chapter AGM to help shape the future of the Chapter

Mentorship and networking opportunities to expand your network within the holistic health industry

Involvement in community events to promote reflexology

Advocacy on your behalf

Assist in fundraising to support the growth of the Nova Scotia Chapter

Meet, trade treatments and build rapport amongst other reflexology therapists in the province

Events Coming Up

Click on a link below to view and register for an upcoming chapter event.

Be part of a network of national and international Reflexology therapists.

Our Latest News

2025 Reflexology Educators’ Summit

2024 Continuing Education Mandatory Activity

2025 Membership Registration Now Open


About us
The RAC Nova Scotia Chapter was formed in 2016 to provide a strong regional voice for reflexology therapists in Atlantic Canada. The Chapter exists to promote networking and continuing educational opportunities for its members throughout the province as well as advance the understanding and knowledge of Reflexology in Nova Scotia.

Contact us
Nova Scotia, CA
Monday – Friday 8:30am – 4:30pm CST

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